
Some information about the Bönninghausen analysis

The Bönninghausen analysis method does not use another repertory, it works with the Complete Repertory like the other analyses. All rubrics in the old Bönninghauses repertories are present in the Complete Repertory.
The Böninghausen analytical system is a methodology that you use when the patient's symptoms require it, it has nothing to do with any specific kind of repertory, it has to do with rubrics that are generalized, which can be found in any repertory.

The difference is in the way the calculation is done.
Instead of just looking at how a remedy is represented in a given rubric, much emphasis is put on its occurrence in related rubrics in other parts of the repertory.

The calculation is done like this:
- Ignore the grade of the remedy, as displayed in the rubric.
- Instead, use a remedy grade that is calculated from the occurrence of the remedy in related rubrics.
- Give more weight to a remedy if it occurs in more related rubrics in different repertory sections (like Mind, Head, Generalities etc).
- Make corrections for the occurrence in polar rubrics (like amel. - agg., or desire - aversion).

In the Bönninghausen analysis style, you will generally use more generic and larger rubrics.
A mixed use of smaller specific rubrics with larger generic rubrics is generally not useful.