Complete Dynamics - Pricing Policy

We want to be as open and honest as possible about how we determine our license prices.

Inflation Correction

Ever since we started selling Complete Dynamics, our license prices have always remained at the same level.
From time to time, we have needed to correct the prices for inflation. Inflation is an unavoidable fact, and so is inflation correction.

Dynamic inflation correction

Currently the world is in a period of political and economic stress. Inflation is much higher than is desirable.

In order to effectively respond to highly dynamic price changes, we introduced Dynamic Inflation Correction.
We correct our prices frequently. For this we use the HICP, Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices, of the European Union. (⇒ Eurostat).
We take the license prices as they were in January 2015, then apply the HICP factor.
This way we can assure that the value you pay for your license always remains the same, in comparison with other prices.

Occasional inflation correction

Prices of optional products, created by other authors, are determined by the contracts we have with these authors.
These prices are only corrected when the contracts are updated.

License Prices

The prices of a software license for Complete Dynamics are all derived from a Base Price (P). This Base Price is the price for 1 year Practitioner Edition.

Next we calculate the prices of other license periods. The philosophy we follow here is, that the longer the period bought, the more attractive the price must be.

1 month=0.1xP
3 months=0.3xP
6 months=0.55xP
1 year=P
3 years=2.25xP(- 25%)
5 years=3xP(- 40%)
10 years=5xP(- 50%)
Prices for the other software variants.
Master Edition=150% of Practitioner Edition
Amateur Edition=25% of Practitioner Edition
Veterinary Edition=66% of Practitioner Edition + royalties for the veterinary repertory