Complete Dynamics - Materia Medica

454 boeken in 24 talen.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, H.C. The Materia Medica of the Nosodes with provings of the X-ray.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Allen, T.F. Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Boger, C.M. A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Clarke, J.H. Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Farrington, E.A. Clinical Materia Medica.
Hahnemann, S. Chronic diseases.
Hahnemann, S. Materia Medica Pura.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hering, C. The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Kent, J.T. Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lippe, A. von Text Book of Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Nash, E.B. Leaders in homeopathic therapeutics.
Norland, M. Provings (by Misha Norland and the School of Homeopathy).
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.
Phatak, S.R. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines.
Extra boeken die u kunt kopen in onze webshop:
Allen, H.C. The therapeutics of intermittent fever.
Allen, T.F. A critical examination of our Materia Medica.
Allen, T.F. Aconite.
Allen, T.F. Handbook of Materia Medica and homoeopathic therapeutics.
Anschutz, E.P. A guide to the twelve tissue remedies of biochemistry.
Arndt, H.E.R. First lessons in the symptomatology of leading homoeopathic remedies.
Bidwell, G.I. How to use the Repertory.
Boericke, W. The twelve tissue remedies of Schuessler.
Boger, C.M. General analysis - reversed repertory.
Bönninghausen, C. von The Aphorisms of Hippocrates.
Borland, D.M. Digestive drugs.
Borland, D.M. Influenzas.
Burnett, J.C. Diseases of the Liver.
Burnett, J.C. Diseases of the Spleen.
Burnett, J.C. Diseases of the Veins.
Burt, W.H. Characteristic Materia Medica.
Clark, G.H. A.B.C. manual of Materia Medica.
Clarke, A.G. Decachords.
Curtis, J.H. An epitome of homeopathic practice.
Dias, A.F. Allen's clinical hints compiled from T.F. Allen's handbook.
Douglass, M.E. Characteristics of the homoeopathic Materia Medica.
Dunham, C. Lectures on Materia Medica.
Dunken, T.C. Homeopathic and Nutritional Treatment of Birth Defects.
Espanet, A. Methodical and practical treatise of medical & therapeutic Materia Medica founded on the law of similars.
Freligh, M. Homoeopathic Materia Medica: a summary of the curative action.
Guernsey, H.N. Keynotes to the Materia Medica.
Hartmann, F. Practical observations on some of the chief homeopathic remedies.
Hawkes, W.J. Characteristic indications for one hundred remedies.
Hering, C. Condensed Materia Medica.
Jones, S. The mnemonic similiad.
Kent, J.T. New remedies.
Klein, L. Clinical Focus Guide vol. 1.
Monroe, A.L. Method of memorizing the Materia Medica.
Nash, E.B. Leaders for the use of Sulphur.
Pulford, A. Key to the homoeopathic Materia Medica.
Royal, G. Textbook of homeopathic Materia Medica.
Saine, A. Group Summaries.
Saine, A. Materia Medica Pura Project Bundle 1.
Talcott, S.H. Mental diseases and their modern treatment.
Underwood, B.F. Materia Medica of differential potency.
Wolf, C.W. The poison of the honeybee.


Allen, H.C. Nosodes (Édition AFADH).
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Allen, T.F. Encyclopedia (Édition AFADH).
Allen, T.F. Keynotes (Édition AFADH).
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Boger, C.M. Repertory extracts (Édition AFADH).
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Borland Children types (Édition AFADH).
Clarke, H. Dictonary of practical materia medica (Édition AFADH).
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Farrington, E.A. Matière Médicale Clinique.
Gallavardin Les Remèdes Psychiatriques.
Hahnemann, S. Chronic diseases (Édition AFADH).
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hering, C. Guiding symptoms (Édition AFADH).
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Mure, B. Pathogénésie brésilienne.
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Nash, E.B. Principes de thérapeutique Homéopathique.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.
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Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Gallasch, C. Similibus.
Hahnemann, S. Chronische Krankheiten, MM.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hahnemann, S. Reine Arzneimittellehre.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Madaus, G. Lehrbuch der biologischen Heilmittel.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.
Extra boeken die u kunt kopen in onze webshop:
Allen, C.H. Leitsymptome der homöopathischen Arzneimittel (Elsevier).
Bhanja, K.C. Master Key (Verlag Ahlbrecht).
Boericke, W. Handbuch der homöopathischen Arzneimittellehre (Narayana Verlag).
Boger, C.M. Boger Bönninghausen Charakteristiks und Repertorium (MM+Rep) (Narayana Verlag).
Boger, C.M. Synoptik Key (MM+Rep) (Verlag Ahlbrecht).
Hering, C. Kurzgefasste Arzneimittellehre (Narayana Verlag)..
Jahr, G.H.G. Handbuch der Hauptanzeigen (MM+Rep) (Verlag Ahlbrecht).
Morrison, R. Handbuch der homöopathischen Leitsymptome (Kai Kröger Verlag).
Noack, Trinks, Müller Handbuch der homöopathischen Arzneimittellehre.
Phatak, S.R. Arzneimittellehre & Repertorium (MM+Rep) (Elsevier).
Saine, A. Group Summaries (Deutsch).
Tyler, M.L. Homöopathische Arzneimittellehre (Elsevier).


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Materia Médica Homeopatica.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Kent, J.T. Materia Médica Homeopática.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.
Берите, Вильям Materia Medica гомеопатических препаратов.
Витулкас, Д. Суть Materia Medica.
Ганеман, Самуэль Materia Medica Pura.
Кларк, Д Словарь практической Материи Медики.
Наш, Е.Б. Ведущие Симптомы в гомеопатии.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, H.C. Sintomas chave.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.


Allen, H.C. Keynotes and characteristics.
Allen, T.F. Clinical Hints.
Anschutz, E.P. New, old and forgotten remedies.
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Bönninghausen, C. von Characteristics.
Cowperthwaite, A.C. A Textbook of Materia Medica.
Dewey, W.A. Essentials.
Hahnemann, S. Organon.
Hansen, O. A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
Hutchinson, J.W. Seven hundred Red Line Symptoms.
Lippe, A. von Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Lucas, J. Selected writings.
Mure, B. Materia Medica (Provings of the principal animal and vegetable poisons of the Brazilian empire).
Nambison, N. Pharmacokinship - Homeopathic Remedy Relationships.
Paterson, J. The Bowel Nosodes.
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