Extra Materia Medica

Our local representative in India, dr. Nisanth Nambison, has compiled a collection of additional Materia Medica for Complete Dynamics users. We are very grateful to dr. Nambison, who invested a lot of time in preparing an important collection of extra Materia Medica for you.

The 32 books that dr. Nambison prepared for you are grouped into 3 bundles.
Each bundle contains 10 or 11 books.

All books are in English.

Bundle #1

Allen, T.F. Handbook of Materia Medica and homoeopathic therapeutics.
Clark, G.H. A.B.C. manual of Materia Medica.
Clarke, A.G. Decachords.
Dias, A.F. Allen's clinical hints compiled from T.F. Allen's handbook.
Hawkes, W.J. Characteristic indications for one hundred remedies.
Kent, J.T. New remedies.
Monroe, A.L. Method of memorizing the Materia Medica.
Nash, E.B. Leaders for the use of Sulphur.
Pulford, A. Key to the homoeopathic Materia Medica.
Royal, G. Textbook of homeopathic Materia Medica.

Bundle #2

Allen, H.C. The therapeutics of intermittent fever.
Allen, T.F. Aconite.
Allen, T.F. A critical examination of our Materia Medica.
Arndt, H.E.R. First lessons in the symptomatology of leading homoeopathic remedies.
Boericke, W. The twelve tissue remedies of Schuessler. Includes a repertory.
Borland, D.M. Digestive drugs.
Guernsey, H.N. Keynotes to the Materia Medica.
Hartmann, F. Practical observations on some of the chief homeopathic remedies.
Hering, C. Condensed Materia Medica.
Talcott, S.H. Mental diseases and their modern treatment.
Wolf, C.W. The poison of the honeybee.

Bundle #3

Anschutz, E.P. A guide to the twelve tissue remedies of biochemistry.
Boger, C.M. General analysis - reversed repertory.
Borland, D.M. Influenzas.
Burt, W.H. Characteristic Materia Medica.
Curtis, J.H. An epitome of homeopathic practice.
Douglass, M.E. Characteristics of the homoeopathic Materia Medica.
Dunham, C. Lectures on Materia Medica.
Espanet, A. Methodical and practical treatise of medical & therapeutic Materia Medica founded on the law of similars.
Freligh, M. Homoeopathic Materia Medica: a summary of the curative action.
Jones, S. The mnemonic similiad.
Underwood, B.F. Materia Medica of differential potency.